Mosquito Protection While Traveling Abroad

Disease is a major problem in some countries. Serious illnesses such as malaria and West Nile Virus can reach epidemic levels in places, and it’s the mosquito that is guilty of the rapid spread of many of these afflictions. They may only be considered a nuisance, pests to be smacked away when you’re safe at home, but if you’re making international travel plans, you must take precautions before reaching your destination – particularly if it’s in a high-threat area.

Overseas Disease Carriers

Some of the diseases that mosquitoes carry:

  • Dengue Fever
  • Malaria
  • West Nile Virus
  • Yellow Fever
  • Encephalitis

Simple Preventative Steps For Travelers

Mosquitoes mostly bite at dusk and after it has become dark. Be extra vigilant at this time. Here are a few more suggestions for dealing with these insects:

  • Avoid areas with standing water if at all possible. These are spots where mosquitoes lay eggs and hatch by the thousand. Even a puddle could be a haven for breeding these nasty bugs.
  • Don’t wear fragrances. You don’t want a mosquito to think you’re a pretty flower. Instead, wear an insect repellent and ensure it contains DEET, the most effective mosquito repellent.
  • Get double protection by wearing repellent and burning citronella candles. Such candles are a natural way of defending against mosquitoes.

Be Prepared

There’s the further consideration of the locale being visited. Perhaps the area is isolated or medical facilities are sub-par. The best protection against the mosquito while traveling abroad is to research the dangers, and to be prepared for every eventuality. Use the greatest resource of information available, the Internet, to become educated to where mosquitoes are particularly prevalent, which diseases are being carried by these bugs and what measures need to be taken to combat illness. Even better, find out the best ways to avoid being bitten by a mosquito altogether. Just remember, there’s no guaranteed way to avoid being bitten so prepare for that possibility. Some practical ways to prepare and be protected are:

  • Mosquito netting on beds. This is a must.
  • Wear an insect repellent.
  • Protective clothing to reduce exposed skin.
  • Be informed.

While these steps may seem simple, it’s surprising how many people don’t apply insect repellent or decide to wear inadequate clothing.

Use Extra Caution

Take these steps further and don’t assume the netting is going to stop mosquitoes. A tiny hole in the netting is all that one of these bugs needs to infiltrate this protection.

The extra caution also applies to being educated on the local area. Are there medical facilities located nearby, and are they well-equipped for dealing with an infection? Drugs aren’t always effective against malaria but they could mean the difference between life and death. Medical authorities within countries afflicted with high incidences of malaria carrying mosquitoes have lived with the mosquito problem for a long time, and they’re well aware of the necessity for quick treatment.