How Do Egg-Laying Behaviors Vary Among Mosquito Species?

So I Laid an Egg…

What you don’t know about the egg-laying behavior of mosquitoes might be very surprising to you. To begin with, mosquitoes obviously are very small creatures, and their eggs are microscopic. Because of this very important fact, mosquitoes can lay their eggs almost anywhere water is present. If you have noticed that the mosquito population appears to increase about a week after a heavy rain, this is why. The next generation of mosquitoes could come from eggs laid in leaves, in grass, in streams and rivers, and even in old coffee tins or jars.

What is also surprising is that even though mosquitoes usually have a life expectancy of just a few weeks, the mosquito population is very resilient because of the female’s ability to lay hundreds of eggs at a time. Even more shocking is the fact that some mosquitoes in arctic areas even hibernate, thus increasing their life cycle to up to a year.

Understanding Mosquitoes is “Egg”cellent

In order to understand the reproductive habits of mosquitoes, you have got to understand the adaptations of the different species of this pest. For example, floodwater mosquitoes tend to gravitate to fluctuating rivers and lakes. They can lay eggs in large numbers, and because of their extensive flight range, can become a nuisance to individuals even a moderate distance away.

Snow-melt mosquitoes are able to flourish under the snow after a freezing rainfall in swampy woodlands. Mosquitoes can reproduce in salt-water marshes, in fields with mud puddles, in swamps, rice fields, ditches, and even in damp soil or in tree trunks. Because of the propensity of mosquitoes to breed in small containers where water is present, their population can easily spread over hundreds and even thousands of miles through the transportation capacities of human beings.

The mosquito egg-laying process, called ovipositon, can take on various forms. Many species will commence oviposition directly on a body of water, and the eggs will form a “raft”. The eggs will align to create surface tension, allowing the egg “raft” to stay in place. Other species will be attracted to certain areas that have rich plant life, as their eggs have a method of “extracting or siphoning” the needed oxygen for their aquatic environment from the available plant life.

These are just but a few of the natural methods used to ensure the survival of eggs, larvae, and pupae of many species of mosquitoes.

Don’t “Egg” Mosquitoes On

Since mosquitoes are so easily adaptable within such minute aquatic settings, it can be a fairly daunting challenge to determine just how to avoid the proliferation of these insects. Although its difficult, prevention of mosquitoes is not impossible.

Most individuals realize that avoiding mosquitoes begins with the removal of standing water. Removing standing water in birdbaths, flower pots, old boxes, and other areas is an important first step. However, how does one get rid of standing water within holes in the ground or in trees? One trick that many have used would be to spread cooking oil all over the area, because females will avoid it and will not lay eggs in it.

Ensure that all areas with permanent standing water, such as pools or dog water dishes, are managed well. Pools need to be adequately filled with chlorine, and a pool cover needs to utilized often. Water dishes in dog bowls should not be allowed to stagnate; they should be changed daily not just for the avoidance of mosquitoes but also for the health of your dog.

Because some mosquitoes can reproduce under brush and in pockets of water under the grass, ensure that your yard is well-maintained and well-landscaped. By removing the habitat for mosquito reproduction, you will be able to ensure a safe environment with a lower amount of mosquitoes and avoid over-use of repellant, as well.


How do Mosquitoes Mate?

There are not to many pleasant things people have to say about the tiny mosquito. You have learned about them in school and the illnesses they bring upon us, but has it ever crossed your mind how these little buggers got here to begin with? They do not just appear out of the water and start becoming blood thirsty zombies.

Have you ever thought about how the mosquito mates? Mosquitoes do not have a long life span to begin with. In fact you can count their entire life in a matter of days. So as you might imagine, these creatures have a strong innate need to reproduce quickly after becoming adults.

Introduction To The Love Song

Insects are quite mysterious creatures. They have parts on them that don’t exist on others and the uses for these parts can be surprising. For an example, the cricket. That chirping noise you hear, you would imagine it came from the throat of the insect but in fact, this little guy rubs his legs together to make such a noise. Insects are truly surprising and that does not exclude the mosquito.

As a flying insect, it is very important that their wings stay in great health. Would you be surprised if I told you that those same wings take a role in mating? Well they do and it’s kind of romantic. To humans and everyone else around, the beating of the wings can sometimes sound like an annoying whine. But to the mosquito, this is the music of love.

How Harmonizing Works

When mosquitoes start to beat their wings together they begin harmonizing a very high pitched whine to impress their mates. This is how they end up finding their perfect mate. It can get a little wild out there in the insect world considering there are so many different forms of mosquito. So the insect plays at a pitch that ensure a match who is almost completely physically identical to them will appear.

It has been said that the harmony is so completely different and strong that two forms of mosquito can live in the same area and end up becoming separated. This seems to be a way of protecting genetic diversity, and thus, the species. During this process, the mosquito also beats its wings at a certain timed frequency. This can ensure that the species of mosquito adaptable to the environment will still be able to survive once they have hatched. Mosquitoes are also one to mate while staying in flight.

The Reproduction Process

After the mosquito has found its perfect mate, the dance of love will commence. Males will then fertilize the female. The reproduction cycle does rely on the water habitats. The female mosquito will then find her way down to the water to find a suitable place to lay her eggs. This is important for the immature stage of life.

The beginning stages of life for a little mosquito will be mainly aquatic. The male and female mosquitoes will remain on the outskirts of where they laid there eggs. Males will feed on plant fluid while the female will be looking for blood as a source of protein for reproduction. The female is the only mosquito that will do this. Mosquitoes will look for a blood meal from both humans and animals.

After she has had her fill, she will then find a place to rest and digest for the developing eggs inside. After that, the female will then fly off to lay her eggs. It all starts with a love song.


Differences Between Male and Female Mosquitoes

The differences between male and female mosquitoes are important to know, particularly if you are experiencing a mosquito problem at your home or in your community, or if you are concerned about the spread of disease. While both male and female mosquitoes are prevalent around the world, and have certain similar behaviors, there are some important differences between them.

The Differences Between Male and Female Mosquito Life Cycles

The first big difference between male and female mosquitoes is in their life cycles. Male mosquitoes typically live for about a week once they reach adulthood. Even putting male mosquitoes in ideal environmental conditions has not been shown to be effective in lengthening the amount of time they live.

Female mosquitoes, however, can live for up to two weeks in most places, and when put into ideal environmental conditions, their life spans can be increased to a month or more. This is a big biological difference between male and female mosquitoes, and so far, researchers have not discovered the reason why the life span of male mosquitoes can not be expanded, while the female mosquito life span can be increased dramatically in the right conditions.

The Differences Between Male and Female Mosquito Appearances

Though you can’t see it with the naked eye, male and female mosquitoes have a very different appearance when viewed under a microscope. The difference centers on their proboscis, which is the long, pointed part of their body that comes out of their mouth, which they use to gather food.

The male mosquito has a proboscis with a feather-like appearance. It has wisps all along and around it that make it look bushy.

Female mosquitoes, on the other hand, have a smooth proboscis. If you could see this with the naked eye, you would know right away which mosquitoes to stay away from and which were harmless.

The Differences Between the Feeding Habits of Male and Female Mosquitoes

The feeding habits of male and female mosquitoes is the main thing that makes one an annoyance and one harmless. Only the female mosquitoes eat blood, so only female mosquitoes bite people and animals (and thus, only female mosquitoes can spread diseases).

Female mosquitoes must eat a meal of blood in order to supply them with the protein they need to develop and lay their eggs. In order to consume the blood, they must first use their proboscis to inject saliva into the person or animal they are feeding on. Their saliva has an anti-coagulant agent in it that prevents the blood they suck from clotting and rendering it inedible to them. The saliva is how viral diseases are spread.

Male mosquitoes, on the other hand, do not consume blood. They only need to consume food that produces energy for them, so they stick to sweet things like nectar and fruit juices. Male mosquitoes do not bite people or animals, and so are not a health concern.

The Most Important Differences Between Male and Female Mosquitoes in the Mosquito World

While not as important a difference to humans, the fact that male mosquitoes have one use and one use only – the production of sperm – is very important in the mosquito world. A male mosquito’s sole job in life is to mate with as many female mosquitoes as possible and deposit their sperm. After that, they are no longer needed in mosquito society.

A female mosquito needs to mate just once in her life. She stores the sperm in her body and fertilizes her eggs as she lays them. Female mosquitoes are responsible for producing healthy eggs that will hatch the next generation of mosquitoes, so their role among mosquitoes is of primary importance, and more complex than that of the male.


What and How Do Mosquitoes Eat?

When you think about mosquitoes and what they eat, it is not uncommon to instantly think they all live, function, and survive on blood. Surprisingly, that is not entirely the case. In this article you will learn just what and how mosquitoes eat.

What Mosquitoes Eat

Both male and female mosquitoes are also known for feeding upon nectar and plant juices. They usually enjoy eating sugary things and water. This is what gives them energy. When it comes to blood feeding, females are the ones who have a mouth piece that is adapted for piercing through the skin of animals. Females normally are on the hunt for blood when they are in the reproduction process to help get protein for developing eggs. Both plants and blood are great sources of energy for the mosquito.

Believe it or not, there is a genus of mosquito that does not feed upon plants or blood. This species is called the Toxorhynchites mosquito. They are the largest mosquito genus around and will prey on the larvae of other mosquitoes. They have been used throughout time as a mosquito control agent.

Importance of Blood Feeding

When you think about it, female mosquitoes are actually the brave ones. They are constantly risking their lives to make sure they get blood for their new young. When they can not find blood, they have to use a different method to get protein called, autogenous reproduction. This is not their first choice, however.

When it comes to females finding blood, there are quite a few things she is looking for. For one, she is looking for a host that provides an organic substance known as carbon dioxide. That is why most mosquitoes prefer humans over any other type of blood source. And mosquitoes will find their victim simply through our breath and sweat. You might be wondering why would they be hunting us by our sweat? It’s because the mosquito can actually smell the carbon dioxide in our breath and sweat. To mosquitoes, some people’s sweat smells better than others due to varying levels of carbon dioxide in human bodies.

Eating Rituals

Mosquitoes are not picky eaters. They are known as crepuscular feeders, which simply means that they will eat at dawn or dusk. When it is the hottest point of the day, most mosquitoes will prefer to rest inside of a cool place and wait till evening to start their hunt. But some mosquitoes even prefer to continue flying and hunting during the day.

Before a mosquito eats, it injects saliva into the blood sources body. The saliva is an anticoagulant which helps stop the blood from clotting. Once that has been injected, the females will puncture the skin and start to feed, almost like using a needle. This saliva, although beneficial to the mosquito, can be dangerous to humans. The reason is because it is the main source of passing pathogens to our bodies.


Mosquito Season – When are Mosquitoes Most Active?

As a family, the mosquito is one of the oldest creatures inhabiting the planet. They are prolific breeders and found on every continent. They are even found in geothermal-heated areas of Antarctica. So it’s no wonder they can be a nuisance.

Mosquito types number in the thousands and play unique roles in the animal kingdom. Some carry disease and feed on the blood and sugary fluids of vertebrates. Others perform vital natural services in large eco-cycles.

In the northern hemisphere, the most active months for mosquitoes to feed and reproduce are April through October. Early on, water sources are abundant. In cooler autumn months, mosquitoes increase their activity to prepare for winter dormancy. In the southern hemisphere, the coinciding months are August through March. Some equitorial regions have thriving mosquito populations all year long.

As a rule, almost every society on earth is “plagued” by a mosquito season and can learn to control their numbers through discovering how these pests behave, thrive and survive. Interestingly, elemental conditions have to be “just right” in order for mosquitoes to actively mature and reproduce. This is the key to controlling their numbers.

What Are The Perfect Conditions For Mosquito Season?

The three natural elements that result in active mosquito season colonies are:

1. Moisture
2. Warm Temperature
3. Food Source

Virtually 100% of all mosquito larvae need to spend time growing in stagnant water. Even when putrefied, standing water is a hotbed for clusters of mosquito egg deposits. Mucous holds large clusters of mosquito eggs together near the water’s edge to provide protection and take advantage of the second most important need of a mosquito, heat.

Temperate to hot air and water surface speeds up the gestation process of mosquito eggs and the development of young mosquitoes. An amazingly adaptive creature, mosquitoes have developed reproductive survival mechanisms. In some varieties, eggs can be frozen in ice for years and remain dormant until temperatures warm up. Other varieties of mosquito eggs can rest completely dry and nearly lifeless until coming into contact with a moisture source. In this way, mosquito eggs can be more like dried seeds than active fauna.

Third, food must be present for mosquito reproduction and growth. Throughout its entire life cycle, a mosquito takes in organic matter to help with growth functions. In early stages, a soft body allows for nutrient absorption. Adult mosquitoes feed on microbiological matter in the case of the male, or blood and body fluids in the case of the venom and mandible-possessing female. The mandible is the long and penetrating stinger that is the hallmark of what everyone associates with these little bloodsuckers.

Life Cycle And Reproductive Habits Of Mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes do not consult calendars, nor plan the best times to reproduce. If the three conditions mentioned above are present, it is mosquito season! Spring through autumn in all regions will see active mosquito outbreaks. Harsh winters tend to stop hatches, kill breeding adults and eliminate food sources.

It depends on the variety, but mosquitoes have an adult lifespan that can vary from a few days, to four or five months. From the laying of eggs to adulthood, the mosquito’s development takes between four days and two weeks. Mosquitoes go through a common four-step development and emerge as adults ready to feed and reproduce. This is why nearly every mosquito seen is completely bent on drawing blood!

During breeding, male mosquitoes gather in huge swarms and circle in the air releasing pheromones to attract females. The females fly into the clusters and the males deposit genetic material mid-flight. Within a day or so, the female is ready to find a standing water source and lay eggs.

When Are Mosquitoes Most Active, And How Are They Controlled?

If an adult mosquito is alive, it is most certainly active! There really is no way to take the feeding and reproduction impulse away from these insects. Instead, local and regional conditions must be monitored and changed in order to create the least conducive areas for mosquitoes to thrive.

Remember, moisture, heat and food are what initiate “mosquito season.” Take these steps to reduce their numbers.

1. Eliminate pools of water near dwellings. This includes objects holding rainwater, long-lived mud puddles, water in clogged gutters, backed-up culverts, and pools collected by vapor barriers.

2. If water sources like ponds, reservoirs, holding tanks and seasonal lake beds cannot be eliminated, set up refillable traps to catch active adults once they emerge and are looking for their first meal.

3. Introduce carnivorous predators. Certain other midges and insects like dragonflies eat mosquitoes as a dietary staple. These “patrols” can greatly reduce mosquito numbers.

4. Be aware that mosquitoes are hatching constantly but have, in general, four-day to two-week seasons.

5. In extreme cases, or where mosquito-borne disease is identified, toxins like Pyrethrins can be broadcast in the air or water to eliminate and neutralize the most active hatches.

It’s hard to control the mosquito which is one of nature’s great survivors. Taking steps to eliminate and alter areas around your home that are perfect for mosquito reproduction is the best tool for reducing their numbers. Mosquitoes reproduce exponentially, but removing the conditions they are always drawn to will eliminate them at equally exponential rates!


Where Did Mosquitoes Originate and How Did They Evolve?

Mosquitoes are one of nature’s most hated insects. Their tendency to snack on humans, leaving itchy red bumps in their wake, is reason enough for most people to add the mosquito to their list of annoying bugs. Mosquitoes can also be the carriers of deadly diseases in some areas, rendering them something to be afraid of in the eyes of many. Despite this annoyance, mosquitoes are amazing creatures with a rich evolutionary past.

The Beginning: The Evolution of the Mosquito

According to scientific studies, it is believed that mosquitoes are actually in the same family as the house fly. Approximately 200 million years ago the mosquito began its transformation into the creature we know and see today. These studies also show that the modern mosquito looks and behaves very similarly to its predecessors.

The first time the mosquito made its entrance into the world was approximately 79 to 100 million years ago. Scientists have discovered multiple pieces of amber with fossilized mosquito-like insects inside. These insects have been linked to the modern-day mosquito and are likely its earlier evolutionary stages. Mosquitoes are still evolving, and their changes are being tracked today by contemporary scientists.

The Modern Mosquito

As a constantly changing species, the mosquito has presented new information and challenges to scientists across the centuries. The mosquito has evolved into quite a hardy insect that can meet the challenges of living and thriving in many different types of modern environments.

The best mosquito habitat is a hot and moist areas with stagnant water (such as a still pond) in which to lay their eggs. However, mosquitoes have also established successful breeding grounds in some frozen areas of the arctic. The only place mosquitoes cannot live is Antarctica.

Some mosquitoes can breed in puddles or containers filled with water or even in areas with polluted, acidic, or brackish bodies of water. Like most animals and insects, mosquitoes are still dependent upon their environment to gain the proper amount of time for their life cycle and find enough food even despite their ability to live in many different climates.

There are many species of animals that eat insects as part of their diet. Mosquitoes are not a common menu item for most animals, but for some, they are the primary source of food. Dragonflies and damsel flies, as well as many different types of fish, feed primarily on mosquitoes in their various life stages.

Mosquitoes begin their life cycle as eggs, nourished by the blood extracted from hosts (like humans or animals). They are laid by the female mosquito in or around bodies of water. These eggs hatch into larvae within 2-4 days and continue to live just beneath the surface of the water, breathing through small tube-like chambers. Approximately one week after hatching, larvae become pupae, remaining within the water and developing slowly into adult mosquitoes. Once they have fully developed, the adults emerge from the water and dry their wings.

Male and female mosquitoes are incredibly different, both in behavior and abilities. Male mosquitoes will search for nectar to eat, while females will seek out hosts from which to draw blood to nourish themselves and their eggs. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 100 eggs at a time. Male mosquitoes do not eat blood.

The modern mosquito has become more hardy and resistant to disease, as well. Mosquitoes in some areas of the world, such as Africa, are vectors of diseases like malaria, West Nile Virus, and yellow fever. When infected female mosquitoes approach humans and animals to acquire a blood meal, the disease can spread through the contact.

Mosquito Bite Prevention and Remedies

If mosquitoes are a problem near your home, there are measures that can be taken to reduce their population or restrict their ability to breed. Mosquitoes live and breed around stagnant water, so it is important that such areas are drained or removed if possible. Putting screens on windows can prevent mosquitoes from entering and becoming a nuisance inside the home. Mosquito repellants come in spray and cream form, and can help prevent mosquitoes from approaching short-term.


The Anatomy of a Mosquito

Amazing Facts You Need to Know About Mosquito Anatomy

Mosquitoes are a family of small flying insects. Most mosquito species feed on either nectar or blood. One interesting fact with mosquitoes is that only the female species feed on blood while the male solely feeds on nectar.

Mosquitoes are known to transmit diseases to humans. Some of these diseases include malaria, yellow fever and filariasis. As a result, mosquitoes are regarded as very dangerous insects because they are usually responsible for a number of deaths, especially in marginalized regions such as Africa and South America. This is why scientists today are investing in mosquito-related research.


Mosquitoes vary in body length and most of these insects average approximately 5 to 6 mm long. Just like other insects, a mosquito’s body is divided into three main parts – the head, thorax, and abdomen. A typical mosquito weighs about 3 milligrams. Male species come with a lifespan of approximately 7 days while the female species has a lifespan of around 14 days, however, when mosquitoes are kept in captivity they can live for up to one calendar month.

The head is usually specialized for feeding. It contains sensory organs which are in the form of antennas and compound eyes. The compound eyes are located towards the occiput on different sides. The compound eyes are composed of ommatidia. These are hexagonal lenses that are capable of detecting very slight movements. The upper eye region has ocelli, which are basically simple eyes that are photosensitive. These eyes normally react to changes in light.

The antennas are segmented and hairy across their lengths. They are capable of detecting the carbon dioxide contained in human breath from a distance of more than 30 meters. The maxillary palps are located between the antennas. They are used to locate the host through the unique scent of human sweat. This is because they are capable of detecting chemicals present in sweat like ocentol. The maxillary palps are also used to detect good breeding grounds using the specific odors produced in stagnant waters.

The mosquito’s head also has a proboscis, which is an organ through which the mosquito feeds. It is an elongated, hollow protuberance with a sting like end. The proboscis is longer in female species. The sting like end is serrated and is used to pierce the surface of the skin when feeding. The hollow part of the proboscis is composed of two tubes. The first tube injects mosquito saliva into the surface under the skin. The saliva contains a mild painkiller and an anti-coagulant. The painkiller is what ensures that human beings rarely feel any pain until the mosquito is done feeding. The anticoagulant prevents the blood flow from stopping due to clotting action.

The thorax is the middle part of the mosquito body. A pair of wings used for locomotion protrudes outwards from the thorax and the legs of the mosquito are normally attached to the thorax. There are six legs in total. These legs have claws that are used as grip on the human skin when feeding blood.

The abdomen is the final segment of a mosquito’s body. It acts as both as a respiratory and digestive system. It also stores the eggs of the female mosquito. A nerve in the stomach signals when the abdomen is full to stop the blood sucking process. It has spiracles which are small openings on the lower sides through which air is drawn in courtesy of the diffusion process. Markings and shape variations on the abdomen are used to identify the different species of mosquitoes by taxonomists.

A Few Interesting Facts

Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of feet and cheddar cheese. Also due to the use of a high to low pressure system to suck blood, if you flex your muscle while the mosquito is feeding, it is likely to explode.


Aedes Mosquitoes

Understanding Aedes Mosquitoes

Aedes is a genus type of mosquito that includes over 700 different species. This particular type of mosquito consists of white eyes, and black and white stripes that provide a very fascinating appearance. A fully grown Aedes is approximately 6-10mm long. This particular mosquito was originally found in the tropical and sub-tropical zones, however, today it is present in all the continents except Antarctica.

Where They Prefer to Stay

It is possible to discover Aedes eggs inside exterior objects that harbor water. These may include rain barrels, roof tanks, children’s pools, used tires, and garden pots provided it is an ideal spot for the female Aedes to lay her eggs. It is therefore of paramount importance to get rid of items that trap water in order to limit chances of mosquitoes breeding around your home.

Lifecycle of Aedes Mosquito

The Aedes mosquito’s life-cycle comprises of four main stages, namely the egg, larva, pupa, and adult stage. This particular lifecycle usually begins when the female Aedes lays her eggs on a stagnant pool of water. These eggs later hatch, whereby it is possible for a larva to emerge the same day provided that there are favorable environmental conditions.

Immediately after a period of four days, the larva naturally transforms itself into a pupa and still remains inside the water for another 48 hours before it becomes a fully grown adult with capabilities of flying, breeding, and feeding itself independently.

Three days after graduating into the adult stage, it becomes possible for the female Aedes to begin breeding provided that she can find a blood meal. The female Aedes will then proceed and lay her eggs on water and a new Aedes life cycle begins again. Generally, Aedes mosquitoes have a lifespan of around 14 days, but this can be prolonged as long as the prevailing environmental conditions are sustainable.

Transmission of Diseases

Aedes are known to transmit very serious diseases, some of which are potentially fatal and have been responsible for deaths across the globe. Some of these diseases include yellow fever and dengue fever that are known to manifest themselves inside a human body through various distressing symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, fever, jaundice, and influenza. Aedes is also known to be responsible for human lymphatic filariasis that causes elephantiasis.

The female Aedes usually provides nourishment to her eggs by feeding on human blood and this is why it is very dangerous with human beings. On the other hand, male Aedes primarily feed on nectar and do not bite human beings. Aedes also acts as a vector for various viral pathogens.

Aedes has a very unique biting behavior because it primarily bites during the day. It is usually very active for about two hours immediately after sunrise and several hours before the sun sets. However, it can still bite at night provided a sufficient amount of light exists. This particular mosquito generally bites individuals on their backs by approaching them from behind. Even though it prefers biting human beings, it can also bite other domestic animals such as cats and dogs.

How to Control Aedes

  • Ensure the yard is free from any water filled containers
  • Tree holes and other cavities inside plants should be filled with either sand or soil so that rain water does not get trapped inside
  • Always check for various hidden water bodies such as clogged drains, manholes, septic tanks, and wells


Culex Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes bring to mind undesirable connotations. More than the average bug, they are particularly irritating in demeanor. Their ringing wings announce their arrival and remind you that you should spread out the nets before you lie and unleash your arsenal of insecticides. It helps to know your mosquitoes by species as they herald the threat of different diseases. Let’s take a look at one genus of this insect, the culex mosquito, which is a vector of a number of human pathogens.

Identifying a Culex Mosquito

First of all, Culex mosquitoes are medium sized, which means they will be high pitched in flight and quite fast when moving around your room. They can be identified by the cross veins on their wings and straight abdomen when not full of someone’s blood. Their appearance is a grayish brown and their structure differs from anopheles mosquitoes, which have a pointed abdomen. They also do not have prespiracular or postspiracular setae.

Outdoors, Culex mosquitoes flock together, though they are mostly found in enclosures. This has led to the Culex genus being referred to as the house mosquito as it prefers rooms, caves and outbuildings. Their small body size makes them tolerant to cooler seasons. The taxom, Culex, is latin for gnat which alludes to their appearance.

How do Culex Mosquitoes Develop?

Culex mosquitoes like other mosquitoes are hatched in the water into larvae that feed on vegetable matter, fungi and bacteria. A mosquito can lay up to 350 eggs on a single raft and they hatch after 2 days. As if this wasn’t enough, they lay eggs every third night. The water must be still and reasonably foul for the larvae to forage. In the wild, the larvae, or wigglers as they are otherwise known, are eaten by fish that grab them on the water surface. The Culex larvae actually hang from a breathing tube that juts from the water surface. They molt four times as they keep growing larger.

The larvae mature after two weeks and form pupae, which are shaped like a comma. The pupae are commonly referred to as tumblers, and just like a butterflies, they undergo metamorphosis into adults. Actual metamorphosis takes about two to three days. Tumblers are not completely stationary, they will jerk and tumble when disturbed.

The lifecycle is seasonal with certain months having the largest prevalence depending on the region. Culex mosquitoes travel great distances from their breeding grounds. During winter, they find a warmest moist spot and stay in a state of torpor. The lifespan of an adult Culex mosquito is one month for females and 1 week for males. Temperature is very important as the higher it goes the shorter the lifecycle will be.

Pathogenomics of the Culex Mosquito

Culex mosquitoes are associated with malaria, which is a worldwide killer. It may also carry:

  • Dengue fever
  • Yellow fever
  • Encephalitis
  • Lymphatic Filariasis
  • Rift valley fever
  • Sindbis virus
  • West Nile virus and others.

Some of the diseases are transmitted between man and animals, while others are transmitted between humans. Some of the pathogens are worms, others are parasites, while others are viruses. Culex are not the only type of mosquito that spreads malaria as the Anopheles mosquito also spreads it. They are also responsible for the spread of avian malaria in birds. Pets like dogs do suffer from pathogens transmitted by the Culex mosquito.

The vast number of diseases the Culex carries is precisely why mosquito-borne disease research efforts strongly focus on this type of mosquito.


Anopheles Mosquitoes

The Anopheles mosquito is just one of hundreds of species of mosquito that can feed on humans and animals and transmit disease. The Anopheles is best known as the most common transmitter of malaria among humans, but it can also transmit several other diseases. And as a pest, it causes itchy bites during the summer months.

Life Cycle and Habitat

Anopheles mosquitoes, like most other mosquito species, lay their eggs in water. The eggs hatch into larvae, which then mature into pupae and adults. The length of time that it takes for the mosquito eggs to mature into adult insects varies based on the outdoor temperature, but it takes at least a week to occur.

Anopheles mosquitoes prefer clean, still water in which to lay their eggs. Roadside ditches and pools that retain rainwater are a favorite site. While Anopheles mosquitoes, and malaria, are typically considered problems of tropical and subtropical regions, Anopheles mosquitoes are actually not very dependent on warm temperatures for survival and have been found as far north as Canada. Larvae of new subspecies have been imported into the United States in water found inside tires shipped from other parts of the world.

Anopheles Mosquitoes and Malaria

Originating in Africa, Anopheles mosquitoes are best known as carriers of Plasmodium falciparum, the microorganism that is known to cause malaria in humans. The malaria microorganism does not cause disease in mosquitoes. The mosquito ingests immature malaria microorganisms when it feeds on blood from an infected human. The malaria organism travels from the mosquito’s mouthparts to its gut, where it matures for up to three weeks before traveling back to the mosquito’s salivary glands. When the mosquito bites another human, malaria is transmitted to that human in the mosquito’s saliva. Anopheles mosquitoes are especially dangerous because they show a preference to feed on humans and birds over other species.

Controlling the Anopheles mosquito population and preventing mosquito bites are critical to preventing malaria, especially in parts of the world where malaria is common and medical attention is hard to come by. It is also becoming important in colder climates like the midwestern United States, where malaria was once eradicated and is now re-emerging due to the introduction of Anopheles species into areas where they were once less common. The use of mosquito nets and mosquito control programs has been very effective in reducing the rates of malaria infection in much of the world.

Other Diseases

In addition to malaria, Anopheles mosquitoes can transmit a variety of other diseases to humans and pets. Anopheles are one of several mosquito species that transmit heartworms to dogs and cats. They also transmit the microfilaria, or microscopic worms, that can cause elephantiasis in humans.

In recent years, other viruses transmitted by the Anopheles, such as O’nyong’nyong fever, have been discovered. It is likely that many of these viruses have co-evolved with mosquito species over time and that more viral diseases may be discovered as research into mosquito life cycles continues.

Controlling Anopheles Mosquitoes

The mainstay of controlling Anopheles mosquitoes is treating or eliminating the fresh water pools in which they lay their eggs. Providing good drainage in ditches and lawns and getting rid of old tires and other debris that retain water after rain are important in good mosquito control programs. Bird baths should be treated or drained. Mosquito baits can be used; these kill mosquito larvae and pupae in water sources before they can hatch into adult insects. Choose baits that are not harmful to pets and wildlife to preserve the environment while controlling mosquitoes.

Anopheles mosquitoes are most active at dusk and during the nighttime hours, and they find their prey (humans) by sensing body heat and carbon dioxide. To protect yourself, try to stay inside or under netting during the evening hours. Make sure window screens are in good condition, and consider using repellents. Repellents can be sprayed on your body or used in the environment in the form of citronella or other repellent candles to keep the bugs at bay. Anopheles mosquitoes are troublesome and spread disease, but by following these simple tips you can protect yourself from being bitten.